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ARCHITIME design group: Grigoriy Malitskiy, Maria Malitskaya

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Conceptual design for HSE Campus

Сonceptual design for HSE (higher school of economy) Campus. © Maria Malitskaya, 2010

The summary to the project.

The university centre of the Higher School of Economy is planned to be constructed in Troitsk, Moscow Region, in 20 km to the southwest from Moscow. Troitsk has a rank of Science city, and building HSE campus corresponds to strategic interests of development of the city and the University.

The project main task – to create the University centre, not conceding on an infrastructure to the best world universities and to become the competitive advantage HSE, allowing to involve foreign scientists and students.

The infrastructure of the University centre includes:

1. The educational centre for 2000 students; 2. Towers with habitation and hostels of hotel type for students and post-graduate students; 3. Townhouses and cottages for the teachers, moving to Troitsk; 4. A church and a park zone; 5. A Kindergarten; 6. An open sports complex.

There are 2 entrances to the territory of campus HSE: from the East side onTextilshikov street, and also from a new street planned to adjoin the territory of the campus from the South side. The transport communication in campus territory is carried out on the ring prodrivings surrounding the main building of the educational centre, 2 main squares, and also a zone of sports and a residential zone with townhouses and cottages. The sports zone is separated from the rest of the campus territory by a large forest and path through the sports zone. All functional zones also communicate by prodrivings, and also the foot and bicycle paths, penetrating all zones of campus. 

The projected educational centre of HSE calculated for 2000 students, represents a building with elevated part from 1 to 5 floors, underground part makes 2 floors.

The building is executed from monolithic ferro-concrete. The constructive scheme – skeleton - walls with using of kernels of rigidity.

There are 8 functional blocks in the HSE buildind:

1 – the entrance block, 2 – the educational block, 3 - the dining room and kitchen block, 4 – the library block, 5 - the block of scientific research institute and innovative park, 6 - the block with a conference hall, 7 – the sports block, 8 – the block with pool.

The University infrastructure is based on model of “stay of full day”. For teachers and scientific employees the project provides individual workplaces. There is a zone of individual employment - library with open access and numerous workplaces and a zone of collective activity – a conference hall for public discussions, halls for seminars. Also at the University the block of scientific research institute and Innovative park for placing of the venture companies created by graduates will be made. Offices for directors, chiefs and deans are planned in a separate block of the building. At the University there are clubs, buffets and cafe with an exit in a courtyard, and also zones of functional unloading, a sport hall, pool and an exercise room.

The basic architectural concept of the University Center is revealed in architecture of the entrance block. The composite centre of the block - a niche with the complicated cylindrical form - the symbolical image of the roughly lying coins rouleau. It is an attribute of the economic and financial beginning of the University. The theme of coins is also reflected in shape of towers with habitation and hostels of hotel type for students and post-graduate students.

Optional shots:

Сonceptual design for HSE (higher school of economy) Campus © Maria Malitskaya. Idea conception
Idea conception

Сonceptual design for HSE (higher school of economy) Campus © Maria Malitskaya. General plan
General plan

Сonceptual design for HSE (higher school of economy) Campus © Maria Malitskaya. Building sides, section
Building sides, section

Сonceptual design for HSE (higher school of economy) Campus © Maria Malitskaya. Plans

Сonceptual design for HSE (higher school of economy) Campus © Maria Malitskaya. Exterior of campus building (gymnasium, swimming pool)
Exterior of campus building (gymnasium, swimming pool)

Сonceptual design for HSE (higher school of economy) Campus © Maria Malitskaya. The courtyard of the university
The courtyard of the university

Read 29926 times Last modified on Среда, 13 Март 2013 13:44
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